Dr Kate Healey

About Kate:
Quick info:
Kate is an experienced Osteopath with over 15 years in the profession. After growing up in the small country town of Murrabit, Kate made the move to Melbourne to complete her five years of Osteopathic studies at Victoria University. Whilst at Uni Kate worked as a Sports Trainer at a football club which gave her great insight into Sports Injury Management.
Kate went on to work at Osteopathic clinics in Preston and Sunshine before starting up her own Osteopathic business in Kerang from 2008 to 2012. It was such a rewarding experience bringing Osteopathic care to her hometown community for the first time. Living in Bendigo and starting a family lead to building a new community and Kate has been an Osteopath in Bendigo since 2011.
Kate has experience in treating a wide range of conditions including headaches, neck and back pain, joint injuries (knee, shoulder etc), postural related pain, arthritis and pelvic pain. Kate has experience in treating Pre- and Post-natal women and enjoys treating women through their entire journey. She also has a keen interest in the treatment and management of Sports related injuries and after suffering a few significant ones herself, has experienced first-hand the role Osteopathy can have in
the successful return to sport.
Kate enjoys treating a diverse range of people, loves getting to know her patients and helping them on their healing journey. She has a caring, holistic approach to treatment with the aim to provide symptomatic relief and find the underlying cause of pain. Kate uses a range of hands-on treatment techniques including massage, joint articulations and manipulations, Muscle Energy techniques and stretches and can also prescribe stretching and rehabilitative exercises.
When not working at The Osteo Team, Kate is very busy raising her four young children and helping her Husband Ross with the family Electrical business. She also loves being active, still running around on the Netball court and getting to the gym when she can. Kate loves socialising with her friends, loves a good Gin and definitely has a chocolate addiction!
Kate is available for bookings on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
Additional Services:
Rehabilitative exercise prescription
Pregnancy pre-partum and post-partum care
Paediatric osteopathy for babies
Treatment Interests:
Pre-partum and post-partum women
Sports injuries
Enjoys playing netball for Marong netball club
Gin and Chocolate lover
Proud mum of four kids